Welcome to Red Chilly Curry, a vegetarian delight – where you will find cooking easy and know how amazing it is when different herbs & spices added together, makes each dish taste quite unique. This site focus on both traditional and modern quick-bite recipes. Me(Janani) & My Mom(Yamuna) are the authors of this site. All the south Indian recipes are from my mom’s fusion and other stuff are my recipes. I hope you enjoy visiting our site.
Hi, I am Janani, just like everyone I started to learn cooking only after my marriage, back then food used to be on time on table and mom used to take care of everything. I hardly entered the kitchen. Everything changed after I came off to USA after my wedding, I am a pure Vegetarian and I had no plan of converting to Non-veg, so I had very few choices when it came to food in near by Restaurant, that’s how I started to learn more about cooking and started to explore lot of variety. I am not a big fan of Hotel Food I always loved moms homemade food, so I want to set that good example to my Daughter too, yes I have a 4 yr old daughter Jyothsna and I am married to Krishna Kumaar. I must talk about him. He is more like a good friend to me more than a husband, he is generous and very understanding. The minute I told him I was planning on doing a cooking site he encouraged me 100% and when I stared to take pictures in a regular camera and was upset with the outcome he immediately got me a DSLR camera. I am not a professional food photographer but it looks really good due to that excellent camera a big thanks to my husband. I have shared my recipes which I love making to my family and friends. Hope you like it too. My site is open to comments so feel free to leave your opinions.
Everyone thinks that their mom’s food is the best in the world so do I, according to me she is the “BEST CHEF” in the world. My mom has passion for making simple and different types of food. I would say she has covered pretty much all the state in India. She likes to explore that much. My Dad and My Brother are big critics so if one of them is convinced another person isn’t ,so me and mom always had trouble pleasing both, but that surely improved our cooking. MY parents have traveled all around so that made her learn lot of other culture food .She always believed those golden saying “EASY WAY TO A MAN’S HEART IS THROUGH HIS STOMACH”. I believe that too.
Hi Janani & Aunty,
What a fun way to showcase your talent.
I am loving the simplicity and style of your recipes.
Maybe you can add the nativity of the dish, its origin and an anecdote as to how it evolved.
Waiting to try the recipes, Keep rocking!
Thanks for the compliment will surely try to mention about the nativity of the dish,in fact that’s a good tip.Thx Anusha.
Hi janani,
Congrats for new site….the best and even excellent I felt is the presentation and the pictures…normally most of the sites post the pics of final recipes not all the stages….urs differs from dat….nice attempt…keep going..all the best…
Thxs ka, I thought step by step recipe will be more interactive than just writing down the procedure happy that you liked it do keep visiting.
Hi Jane,
Excellent work! Happy to see your website.
A big applause to my favourite aunt Yamuna.
All the very best!!
Thxs Bharathi will pass Ur compliment to mom do keep visiting.
Hi Janani Ka my name is Mukund and I’am Mukesh’s friend ….Firstly I really appreciate the idea of creating your own website ……you have utilized your collection of recipes in a very informative manner
secondly Its a Neat and impressive website for a start with some relishing home made cooking recipes ….I almost spent half a day browsing it !!!…its sure to make it easy for those who wish to cook resto like Dishes at home
Thirdly M a foodie and love to eat my fav food.
I try out diff resto outlets to select the one that gives me the taste i did been looking for a particular dish….besides that i try and experiment so as to what and how to get the nearest possible taste while the same is made at home …hence m obsessed with cookin diff recipes at home learning from different sources ……and now your website is one of them
and Last but not the least……May this website reach beyond timely improvised and establish well ……Grt job !!!…..and awaiting more recipes from you to try out .
Wow that was a big compliment I am completely flattered Mukund thxs a lot.I will def try my best.This is new to me too so all your suggestions are welcome do post me what your requirement are,request recipes too this would improve my site and I will be able to grasp what everyone is looking for.Once again thxs for visiting u just made by day by saying u spend half a day browsing my site.
Hey Janani…
Great attempt. Love your website logo a lot. Neat presentation and I like the step by step pictures which would he helpful. You can spend some time learning food photography giving focus to the main dish alone with backgrounds having interesting / relevant objects. Just my 2 cents!
With aunty as one of the authors, I am sure you will have great recipes. Wishing you all the best.
Thank you Shakthi,well just started taking pictures will try to concentrate more on the decoration.This is completely new to me trying my best.Keep visiting.
nice job!!!!!! great sisty u saved all the husband’s lives will enjoy ur dishes
Thank you sweety
Dear Janani
I am very happy for your new venture. The presentation is very good and I have tried one dish Sczheshwan Noodles and it tastes nice. I will cook other dishes also and will give my comments later.
Hi Janani,
This is M.R.K’s mom. I just saw your website. Big hats off to you and your mom. Great work. Good presentation. Good start. Photo’s taken at every stage of the preperation is very helpful to the viewers. I wish you all the very best. Hope you get more and more recipes and multiply your viewers.
Thank you Aunty
My curd rice is still pending Janani …..hope at least you remember it……kk
uncle curd rice ah I thought you asked for sambar rice well check on Friday will defenetely load it.
hi akka.awesome website.very useful for our guys….thanx alot for this work…hope u give us more and more recipes….
Thxs sowmi will def load more n more.
Hi Janani,
This is priya from NOB HILL…Hope u remember me…Good start…Keep up the good work….Just rockkkk
Thank you priya.
Hi akka,
Hope u remember me (AVIT college).Awesome website.I tried few of your receipes, it came out well.Hope to see more and more.
Hi Leela,
Ofcourse I remember u how r u??? what a surprise.Glad to catch up with u dear.
Hey thanks for showing up through Indiblogger
Nice to have both of us sharing a common theme
I have just had a cursory look over your recipes. Will check out for more.
Hi Pratiba,
Well we definite share the same theme nice to know u through indibloggger dear.
Hi Janani,
I noticed in your recipe you mention Idli rice as one of the ingredients. If it is in the US or Canada what rice do we use? Can you please help me out there? I have tried it with raw rice and parboiled rice it comes out like moist rocks
(Thanks. Cheryl
I just came across your blog. I have been on the look out for an “Idli” recipe that will work in Canada
Hi Cheryl,
Well the rice that I use to get fluffy and soft idly is done by mixing idly rice with urad. I am sure u will get “idly rice” in a near by Indian store.I have few cousins living in Canada I know for sure u can get it. Par boiled rice will work wonderful with dosa but not for idly.Idly rice will be little small in size and the rice will be round unlike raw or parboiled rice.Please try it in a near by Indian grocery u will def get it.If you have further questions please do mail back. Hope the above information was helpful.
Hi Janani, Thank you for your interest in DNS.
Kindly submit your recipe along with a short bio of yours at http://www.dinenshare.com/p/submit-your-recipe.html
or email me.
Hi I submitted the recipe thanks for sharing it.
Thnks a lot janani for visiting my space..ur blog looks very homely..and loved reading abt u..cheers siri
first time here and your space is awesome I must say.. Wow..
Loved it..
Happy to follow you!
Hi janani,
Very Happy to see your cooking talent .. Keep going.. All the best..
Thank you pa I sent u msg in fb do reply long time felt very happy seeing ur msg.
Just gone through your recipe on flaxseed milkshake. It’s really outstanding. I really want to make it in this hot season.
Thank you Cherie …yes sure try it out. I love the flavor combination.
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I’m Deeksha Shyam Sundar, a content writer for Spoon University. I’m writing an article on south Indian dishes and comparing them to the way north Indians prepare them, and a photo from your site caught my eye. It seemed like the perfect example!
If it’s okay with you, I’d love to use this picture of your sambar for paniyaram in my article. Unfortunately, I cannot attach pictures in this, otherwise I would have done so to show you which one I’m talking about. I hope you get it. Of course, I’ll give proper photo credits.
If you could let me know as soon as you can, that would be great. You can mail me at deeksha_shyam@yahoo.co.in
Thank you in advance
Sure Deeksha you can use the picture. If you can plz share the link I would be happy to look.
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sure Rajveer Khanna. You can mail to jananircc@gmail.com for furthur discussion.
Hai Janani, happy with your recipis. I like exploring new items and make my family happy. All the best for u. Keep uploading new items.thank you