Apple Eyeball Drink(Halloween Recipe Idea)

I have always loved the scary drinks like bloody drink that's made with red based fruits as punch or as fresh juice. So thought of making eye balls and I thought watermelon would make a perfect eye ball for apple drink. You can add grapes as eyes too,but I didn't have any at home so didn't use them but they will work excellent too.
I am linking this to Halloween event conducted by
- Prep Time : 2 minutes
- Cook Time : 5 minutes
- Yield : 3
- Watermelon - 1/4 cup
- Melon baller - to scoop
- Apple juice - 2 cup
- Grapes or Eyecandy,for eye effect - as per requirement
1. Scoop out the watermelon using melon baller to round shape,with that insert eye candy as eyes and add it to apple drink to get a spooky devil look to your drink
2. Like I said its not recipe its just an idea for halloween parties.
Such an artistic touch,loved the recipe and clicks
Omg, its really spooky and cute as well..Fantastic drink for halloween party.
nice and refreshing drink