Grilled Eggplant Sandwich

Grilled eggplant sandwich is so tasty and yummy. We can make it many ways. Here's my version of making them. If you love eggplant you will love this too. I finally put use of my sandwich grill which I got it during Thanks Giving. I love how nicely they make the golden lines on the sandwich and they def taste so much better than pan made. The bread turns so crispy and yummy. You will love making many variety once you start getting the knack of handling the grill. I love making pesto sandwich,caprese sandwich and lots more. Will start loading them soon.
- Prep Time : 5 minutes
- Cook Time : 2-3 minutes
- Yield : 5 set of sandwich
- Eggplant - 1-2
- Pasta Sauce(I used garlic and tomato based) - 1/4 cup
- Garlic Powder - as per requirement
- Italian Seasoning - 2-3 tsp
- Olive Oil - as needed
- Mozzarella Cheese,shreeded - 1 cup or more
- Butter - as per requirement
- Salt to taste
- Red chiily flakes,crushed - as per taste
Easy way to make Grilled Eggplant Sandwich...
1. Take the grill and start tossing the eggplant little soft and crispy. I brushed the eggplant with little olive oil,salt and pepper. When done keep it separate.
2. Spread little butter on top and bottom side of the grill. Then place the wheat bread or any bread of your choice, Then coat them nicely with mozzarella cheese.
3. Then add garlic powder, to this spread pasta sauce nicely and add the other dry ingredients like Italian seasoning ,dry red chilly flakes and little bit of salt. Now place the grilled eggplant of top of them and again spread some cheese and close it with another bread slice on top.
4. Now on the grill and close the lid, let it cook for 2-3 mins and you will notice a nice golden color lines on top if the bread. When done remove from fire and make the rest of the batches. I love the way the bread taste. Its super crispy outside and so tasty inside. Yummmm...
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