Oatmeal Horchata(Mexican Drink)

Oatmeal Horchata drink is a yummy drink and its mexican bevarage. I love the traditional horchata... its made using rice but oats has a nice punch to it too. I tried this first time in a carnival happened near by house and they served lots of traditional street drink of Mexico. Most of them I have tried before but this one was so different and if you are my regular reader you would know how crazy I go for a good beverage. This was served with lots of ice cubes and I loved it. Wanted to try it immediately and VOILA it came out perfect. Only change I gave was vanilla Essence...they didn't add them but I did cuz cinnamon and vanilla essence go so well together. Its super refreshing drink. Important point to remember while making this drink LOTS OF ICE...I MEAN IT LOTSSSS OF ICE....
- Prep Time : 5 minutes
- Cook Time : 10 minutes
- Yield : 4 glass
- Oats(old fashioned one) - 1 cup
- Sugar - 1/2 cup or more according to your taste bud
- Cinnamon Stick - 1(3 inch long)
- Vanilla Essence - 1 tsp
- Water - 5 cup
Oatmeal Horchata is a yummy drink. Quick to make and its very tasty. Do try to experience this Mexican drink...
1. Soak 1 cup of oats and cinnamon together in 4 cup of water. Let to soak for half an hr.
2. Now take off 3 cup water and keep it separate. Then blend them well in a blender adding sugar,vanilla essence and sieve it well. You may ask if cinnamon has to blend too??? well yes blend everything together,real smooth. Filter it well. We don't want any chunk pieces in our mouth right??
3. I always place it back in fridge to get chilled.You can filter one more time if you want it lite. Just before serving fill the glass with lots of ice and pour the drink. It so yumm.....
healthy and yummy drink