Parotta/ Barotta

I dont think there will be anyone in our India who would say "NO" to parotta, its everyone's favorite and I make it when I am in extreme good mood. I like it with vegetable salna/khurma. I know non-vegetarians love it with mutton khurma and they love to add egg to the minced parotta. From kids to elders everyone love it. They are very famous in road side. You can see a big queue standing in front of any parotta shop. With the leftover parotta we can make kothu parotta or chilly parotta too. I know it consumes lot of oil but hey come on its worth at least once in a month. When it comes to eating I don't really care too much about my weight. There is always gym,walking area and diet to balance our health the next day. So without any worries enjoy this sinful oily ,crispy and yummy parotta.
- Maida - 3 cup
- Milk / Water - 1/2 cup or more
- Baking Soda - 1/4 tsp
- Salt - 1 tsp
- Oil - 2-3 tsp
1. In a big bowl sieve the maida flour well, to this add salt,soda and sprinkle milk/water little by little and keep mixing the dough. When it gets firm enough stop adding milk/water to the dough. The dough shouldn't stick that's the right consistency.
2. Now rub oil to the whole dough and make it like a thick firm dough and cover it with a cloth keeping it safe in a bowl. Leave it for one hr.
3. Now beat it well with your fist and let the air out of the dough,the more you beat the more soft it will turn to be. Now make them to medium sized ball and keep it separate for few mins.
4. Now using chapathi roller, roll them well. Make it big circle now take the dough and hold it with both hand and beat it like you could wash your clothes. You will see thin layered dough spreading like elastic. When its big enough, cut in to two halves.
5. Now roll them well and keep it aside. Like this make all the dough balls.
6. Now using a roller pin roll them flat and keep it separate. You will see layers inside the dough. This is how parotta/ barotta is made.
7. Now in a hot iron pan, add this parotta and let it fry for sometime. Add oil liberally to get that golden crispy layers. When its done enjoy with this vegetable salna /vegetable khurma. I cant think of a better combination for this parotta. Many other dishes can be made with this leftover parotta. I used make kothu parotta or chilly parotta next day with the left overs. They are the best food I can say.
8. Easy and def worth parotta. Make it when guest come home they will be blown away with it.
the parathas are so so soft and fluffy , they are looking amazing…
parotta looks to dig in.
Flaky parathas are just killing me, drooling..
I am there, I can’t say to no parathas. Its very popular over here too. I have not made them before and thanks for the recipe. These are simply puffy and are just perfectly made.
Gonna try out soon for our meal.
Def do it both milk or water works. The reason why its so soft is,I had beaten it really well with my fist. That’s the only majic to get it super soft.Let me know how they turned out dear.
eppa panna janani ? looks awesome !
Made it during my visit in India Aparna felt like eating so quickly made it.I love it a lot.
Wow perfect ones’s with lovely pics,so tempting
Wow, I have seen that this is very hard to get right, seems like u have nailed it buddy & that too without eggs
Cool, loved it !!
nicely done.. my son’s fav
Wow Janani, such a soft and flaky parathas, and that too with less oil. Got to give a try for sure. Superb
It has come out superb Janani, loved it!